The 11th of September
The first law approved by the Parliament of Catalunya when it was constituted in 1980 was that which declared the 11th of September to be a national holiday, it was set out in the following terms; "The people of Catalunya in times of strife appealed for a national day, the eleventh of September of 1714, and their resistance in the face of oppresion also symbolised their hope for the recovery of their nationhood. Now that Catalunya has returned to its way of liberty the representatives of the people believe that the Chamber of representatives has to endorse what the people have already declared. For this reason the people of Catalunya establish through the power of their parliament the following law:
Article one: That the national day of Catalunya shall be the eleventh of September:
Artivle two: That this law comes into force on the same day as the publication of the first Diari Oficial de Catalunya.
And so I order that all the citizens of Catalunya follow the implementation of the law and that they cooperate in its fulfillment and that the courts and authorities pertinents enforce it."
"La Diada", as it is knows, is a national holiday in Catalunya when the people of Catalunya celebrate that the country exists within Spain. There are many popular activities, festivals, cencerts and other things. Catalunya's politicians normally go to the important national monuments and statues and leave flowere there to remember the people that died in the past for Catalunya.

People in public celebrations for the "Diada".

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