Its privileged place on the mediterranean Sea has made Catalunya a place to visit, to exchange ideas, customs and an attraction for people all of which has then formed the Catalan culture and traditions. Catalan society, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, has now passed seven million inhabitants and this has happened because of a long history of migrations and commercial transactions with another cultures and nations.
In Catalonia several migratory waves have happened. In 1900, there were about two million inhabitants and between 1950s and 1970s there were about five million inhabitants who came from several places of Spain (especially Andalucia, Murcia and Extremadura).
The second migratory wave was in the early 1990s and in the beginning of the new century the migratory wave was stronger, so that the population increased to over seven million inhabitants from 1992 to 2006.
About 60 % of the population of Catalunya live in the metropolitan area of Barcelona. We can find the most unpopulated areas in the Pyrenees. The birth rate was 11% in 2003 and the mortality rate was 9,1%.On the other hand, the natural growth rate (the difference between birth and death) is 2%. As for the age pyramid of the Catala people, the most numerous group is between the ages of 20 and 50, now we can also observe a certain aging in the population and a growth of life expectancy which reaches eighty years old (it is one of the highest in the world).

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